Naturally manufactured in the liver, kidneys and pancreas, creatine develops energy in the body for strength. Allergen advice: Processed on equipment that also processes milk, egg and soy. Serving size and frequency may be increased for athletes after consultation with a fitness or health care professional. Only Vitalstrength uses Vitalsorb Bioavailability to increase mixability, solubility and taste, making it a more desirable choice for performance athletes. Hydrates muscle cells to support an optimal anabolic environment and stimulate protein synthesis. Creatine Pyruvate (CPy) – Creatine pyruvate consists of 60% creatine and 40% pyruvate. + Maximum results without the unwanted side effects including headaches, irritability, sleepless nights, energy crashes and nausea. HOW TO GAIN WEIGHT FAST: 5 DAY MEAL PLAN FOR SKINNY... Fast loading (20g / day for 5 days spread into 4 x 5g doses) followed by a maintenance phase of 3-5g/day. "tS=+o;721=%y;i=+y)6==i(fi{)++i;l