ECGs, obtained on the day of PE diagnosis, were made available in 334 (93%) of 360 patients; signs of acute RV overload were present in 139 of 334 (42%, IQR 36–47%). Pulmonary embolism (PE) is a common but still underdiagnosed condition. They are used here for the purpose of comparing the prevalence of clinical symptoms and signs with the 360 patients comprised in the Firenze sample. Initial hemodynamic instability, defined as systolic blood pressure below 90 mm Hg for 15 minutes or more, is an important marker of prognosis. The perfusion of each lobe is estimated visually by means of a five-point score (0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1) where 0 means “not perfused” and 1 “normally perfused”. Considering the whole sample, the patients with RV overload featured a significantly higher prevalence of sudden onset dyspnea (87% vs 74%, p<0.0001) and of syncope (35% vs 15%, p<0.0001), and a lower prevalence of hemoptysis (3% vs 8%, p = 0.004) than those without RV overload. No cardiomegaly noted. The occurrence of such symptoms, if not explained otherwise, should alert the clinicians to consider PE in differential diagnosis. Each patient was invited to complete a self-administered standardized questionnaire including the description of the symptoms experienced, and the time interval between the onset of symptoms and the diagnosis of PE (table 1). Pulmonary Embolism • Occlusion of a pulmonary artery (ies) by a blood clot. Other symptoms, such as cough and haemoptysis, concurrent symptoms of deep venous thrombosis (DVT), and signs of tachypnoea, tachycardia and hypoxia, may also be present. If you have trouble accessing this page and need to request an alternate format, contact [email protected]. Pulmonary embolism remains a heterogeneous condition, ranging from presentation with sudden death to incidental findings with no symptoms. Yes DEFINITION • Pulmonary embolism is the blockage of pulmonary arteries by thrombus,fat or air emboli and tumour tissue. Background Pulmonary embolism (PE) is a possible noncardiac cause of cardiac arrest. Struttura Operativa Dipartimentale (SOD) Malattie Aterotrombotiche, Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Careggi, Firenze, Italy, Affiliation Twenty had proximal DVT of the lower limb, and two had DVT of the upper limb extending to the subclavian vein. The study protocol was approved by the ethics committee of the Careggi University Hospital, Firenze (Italy). ECHO performed showed an ejection fraction of 64%. aPTT between 1.5-2 for 5-10 days when warfarin is contraindicated (e.g. The occurrence of such abnormalities may strengthen the suspicion of PE in a patient with unexplained abrupt dyspnea, syncope, or chest pain. The two samples differed significantly as regards age, proportion of outpatients, prevalence of unprovoked PE, and of active cancer. No, Is the Subject Area "Pain" applicable to this article? Methods In a retrospective study, we analyzed clinical presentation, diagnosis, therapy, and outcome of patients with cardiac arrest after PE admitted to the emergency department of an urban tertiary care hospital. here. In the present study, only 3 out of 800 patients with PE complained of orthopnea. The overall score is the sum of the perfusion scores of the six lobes, and the percentage of pulmonary vascular obstruction is calculated as: (1–overall perfusion score)×100. Collected and analyzed the data: MM CC SM DP. Vital signs were taken. The latter is of concern, especially in women of childbearing age. The content of this site is published by the site owner(s) and is not a statement of advice, opinion, or information pertaining to The Ohio State University. Ventilation-perfusion scans were rated “high-probability” for PE if they featured segmental perfusion defects with normal ventilation [9], [10]. PE is a serious condition that can cause. In that study, the patients with suspected PE were examined before they underwent the definitive test to confirm or exclude the diagnosis. Only 7 (1%) of 800 patients had no symptoms prior to the diagnosis of PE (table 5). Visual estimates of perfusion are based on the combined evaluation of six scintigraphic views (anterior, posterior, both lateral, and both posterior oblique). In 17 (94%) of the 18 cases who reported hemoptysis, the symptom was associated with sudden onset dyspnea, chest pain, or both. At least one of four symptoms (sudden onset dyspnea, chest pain, fainting/syncope, and hemoptysis) was present in 97% of the 440 patients with PE and in 62% of the 660 without PE (p<0.00001). Acute right ventricular (RV) overload was deemed present if one or more of the following abnormalities were identified: S-wave in lead I and Q-wave in lead III each of amplitude >1.5 mm, with T-wave inversion in lead III (S1Q3T3), S-waves in lead I, II, and III each of amplitude >1.5 mm (S1S2S3), T-wave inversion in right precordial leads, transient right bundle branch block, and pseudoinfarction [7]–[8]. The present study was undertaken to reconsider the clinical presentation of PE with special emphasis on the identification of those symptoms and signs that prompt the patients to seek medical attention. Citation: Miniati M, Cenci C, Monti S, Poli D (2012) Clinical Presentation of Acute Pulmonary Embolism: Survey of 800 Cases. Continuous variables in the text and in the tables are reported as median and interquartile range (IQR). In most cases, multidetector CTA was used as the diagnostic technique (table 2); medical treatment consisted of unfractionated heparin or low molecular weight heparins in 88% of the patients (table 2). 2 Pulmonary Embolism- Statistics • 300k-600k per year • 1-2 per 1000 people, or as high as 1 in 100 if > 80 years old • 3rd leading cause of cardiovascular death behind myocardial infarction and stroke • Most commonly from lower extremity DVT • Evidence of DVT in > 50%; Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality For more information about PLOS Subject Areas, click Wrote the manuscript: MM. Current weight 129.7 kg. Inpatients were twice as likely to have PE as those from the ED. Due to the unclear nature of his presentation, point-of-care echocardiogram was performed, and demonstrated a dilated right ventricle with severely reduced function. Yes The 22 patients with isolated manifestations of DVT had a median age of 48 years (IQR, 38–60 years), and were significantly younger (p<0.001) than the 778 other patients (median age 66 years, IQR, 53–74 years). Data are from reference 5. Our findings are in agreement with this statement. Auscultation of the lungs revealed diminished, yet equal lung sounds with no crackles noted. These differences notwithstanding, the prevalence of symptoms and signs was similar in the two samples. This is the crucial step in the diagnostic work-up of PE. In a nationwide survey in the United States, the use of CT in the ED rose from 2.7 million in 1995 to 16.2 million in 2007, corresponding to a 5.9-fold increase and an annual growth rate of 16% [20]. Yes Discover a faster, simpler path to publishing in a high-quality journal. The authors wish to thank the following physicians who contributed to the study: Rosanna Abbate, Chiara Arcangeli, Cinzia Fatini, Elisa Grifoni, Lucia Mannini, Rossella Marcucci, and Domenico Prisco; the nuclear medicine physicians at the Careggi University Hospital, Firenze (Italy) for performing perfusion lung scans. Three of them (0.8% of 360) met the hemodynamic criteria of CTEPH. Three percent of the patients presented with symptoms and signs of DVT only. Transthoracic echocardiography and postero-anterior and lateral chest radiographs were obtained at the time of perfusion lung scanning. The 360 patients comprised in the Firenze sample were examined by the authors at the outpatient clinic of the UAD. CT has revolutionized the practice of medicine, particularly in the emergency departments (ED). At least one of the above symptoms was reported by 756 (94%) of 800 patients. In 1967, Felix Fleischner wrote: “…before the acute massive attack, which may prove fatal, there are often telltale warnings that may alert the clinicians to the occurence of minor embolic events” [13]. Venous thromboembolism (VTE), defined as deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, or both, affects an estimated 300,000-600,000 individuals in … We addressed this issue by interviewing directly the patients using a standardized form that was originally utilized in the PISAPED [3]–[6]. So, in these patients, pulmonary emboli may have originated from sites other than the deep veins of the lower limb. Many COVID-19 patients with ARDS also present with laboratory findings significant for derangement in coagulation function. Istituto di Fisiologia Clinica del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Pisa, Italy, The content of this site is published by the site owner(s) and is not a statement of advice, opinion, or information pertaining to The Ohio State University. However, PE is rarely an all-or-none disorder, so it can be timely suspected if due attention is paid to the patient's complaints. Dipartimento di Area Critica Medico Chirurgica, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Firenze, Italy, It seems, therefore, that CTA is increasingly used as a screening method rather than a means to confirm or exclude clinically suspected PE [22]. They were in decreasing order of frequency: sudden onset dyspnea, chest pain, unilateral painful swelling of the lower or upper extremity, fainting or syncope, and hemoptysis. No additional external funding was received for this study. Acute pulmonary embolism is a disease or medical condition that occurs when blood clots travel from different parts of the body mainly the lower legs and legs towards the lungs and when they block one or more of the arteries that are present in the lungs. Echocardiograms were performed and interpreted by an experienced cardiologist. The prevalence of clinical symptoms and signs is reported in table 3. No air or fluid viewed in the pleura cavity. In this episode on Pulmonary Embolism we have the triumphant return of Dr. Anil Chopra, the Head of the Divisions of Emergency Medicine at University of Toronto, and Dr. John Foote the CCFP(EM) residency program director at the University of Toronto. In patients with intermediate-risk pulmonary embolism, fibrinolytic therapy prevented hemodynamic decompensation but increased the risk of major hemorrhage and stroke Guy Meyer, N Engl J Med 2014. Yes The clinical management of severely ill patients with COVID-19-related acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) presents significant challenges. He presents with circumoral cyanosis and 3+ pitting edema of the right lower extremity. Permanent damage to the lungs; Low oxygen levels in your blood; He states he started feeling light-headed yesterday and experiencing a sharp, knife-like pain in his chest two hours ago (which prompted him to come to the ED). In conformity with the strategy adopted in the PISAPED [3]–[6], [15], all the patients included in the Firenze sample underwent a scintigraphic follow-up to assess the extent of residual perfusion abnormalities between 6 and 12 months of PE diagnosis. Yes ANTICOAGULATION LMWH keeps . Differences between groups were assessed by Fisher's exact test for the categorical variables, and by Mood's median test for the continuous variables. Sudden onset dyspnea was the most frequent symptom in both samples (81 and 78%), followed by chest pain (56 and 39%), fainting or syncope (26 and 22%), and hemoptysis (7 and 5%). PLoS ONE 7(2): Affiliations No atelectasis noted. He states he started feeling light-headed yesterday and experiencing a sharp, knife-like pain in his chest two … Perfusion scans were considered positive for PE if showing segmental (wedge-shaped) perfusion defects [3]. Measured variables included the end-diastolic right ventricle diameter, the thickness of the right ventricle free wall, and the tricuspid regurgitation velocity (if measurable). Angiographic criteria included the identification of an embolus obstructing a vessel or the outline of an embolus within a vessel. Each lobar perfusion score is obtained by multiplying the weight assigned to the lobe by the estimated perfusion of that lobe. Yes Chest radiographs were examined by one of the authors (MM) for the presence of dilatation of the pulmonary artery trunk, and of the right ventricle that are suggestive of chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) [13]. Two-tailed p-values of less than 0.05 were considered statistically significant throughout. in 192 patients with PE enrolled in the PIOPED II [16]. No, Is the Subject Area "Diagnostic medicine" applicable to this article? The ECGs were reviewed by a cardiologist who was blinded to the diagnosis. Raising the suspicion of PE is instrumental to select patients in whom objective testing is needed to confirm or exclude the diagnosis. PLOS ONE promises fair, rigorous peer review, As shown in table 4, the two samples differed significantly in terms of age, proportion of outpatients at the time of PE diagnosis, prevalence of unprovoked PE, and of active cancer. This proportion will probably remain unknown because the rate of autopsies drastically declined over the last 20 years [19]. At least one of four symptoms (sudden onset dyspnea, chest pain, fainting or syncope, and hemoptysis) were reported by 756 (94%) of 800 patients (table 5). Symptoms of pulmonary embolism are typically sudden in onset and may include one or many of the following: dyspnea (shortness of breath), tachypnea (rapid breathing), chest pain of a "pleuritic" nature (worsened by breathing), cough and hemoptysis (coughing up blood). The objective of our study was to reappraise the clinical presentation of PE with emphasis on the identification of the symptoms and signs that prompt the patients to seek medical attention. The two samples reported on here differ from each other as regards age, proportion of inpatients, prevalence of unprovoked PE and of active cancer. Yet, in 25% of the patients, the time to diagnosis exceeded 7 days (median time 20 days). lack of public awareness(not like stroke and ACS) PE is a major cause of death in In fact, using a contemporary 64-detector CTA protocol for PE, the absorbed dose to the female breast is the range of 3.5 to 4.2 cGy [23], which is 30 times as great as that absorbed during ventilation-perfusion scintigraphy (0.08 cGy) [9]. • It is the most common complication in hospitalised patients. In all other instances, it was considered unprovoked. Ninety-five confidence intervals (CI) were calculated according to the binomial distribution with continuity correction. Pulmonary Embolism /pulmonary Hypertension PPT Presentation Summary : VTE is the third most common cardiovascular condition after ACS and stroke. Pulmonary embolism (PE) is responsible for most mortality as it's diverse range of clinical presentation and sometimes asymptomatic presentation creates room for challenges in the diagnoses. The first and most common presentation is dyspnoea with or without pleuritic pain and haemoptysis (acute minor pulmonary embolism). The questionnaire is in all similar to that used in the PISAPED [3]–[6]. He rates his pain a 10/10. Care was taken to identify risk factors for PE, and pre-existing diseases which may mimic the clinical presentation of PE. Next, the clinical probability should be assessed, ideally by means of a validated prediction model [4]–[6], [24]. It usually happens when a blood clot breaks loose and travels through the bloodstream to the lungs. No, Is the Subject Area "Electrocardiography" applicable to this article? Three-hundred-sixty of them were evaluated consecutively at the Unit of Atherothrombotic Disorders (UAD), Careggi University Hospital, Firenze (Italy), between January 1, 2009 and December 31, 2010, for the following reasons: (a) to search for inherited thrombophilia; (b) to plan the duration of oral anticoagulant therapy; (c) to assess the extent of perfusion recovery by lung scintigraphy within a year of PE diagnosis; (d) to evaluate the right ventricular function by transthoracic echocardiography at the time of perfusion scintigraphy. A clot that forms in one part of the body and travels in the bloodstream to another part of the body is called an embolus. Yet, the prevalence of the reported symptoms and signs is very similar. The objective of our study was to reappraise the clinical presentation of PE with emphasis on the identification of the symptoms and signs … Very few patients experienced gradual onset dyspnea, cough, or high fever, and none complained of orthopnea. Introduction. James Smith is a 64-year-old white male and a retired truck driver who presented to the ED with complaints of shortness of breath and chest pain. Isolated symptoms and signs of deep vein thrombosis occurred in 3% of the cases. The present study was undertaken to assess the prevalence of clinical symptoms, signs, and their combination in a large sample of patients with PE from two different clinical settings. • Results from DVTs that have broken off and travelled to the pulmonary arterial circulation. The 440 other patients with PE were part of a sample of 1100 consecutive patients with suspected PE, who were enrolled in the Prospective Investigative Study of Acute Pulmonary Embolism Diagnosis (PISAPED) at the Institute of Clinical Physiology, Pisa (Italy), between 1991 and 1999 [3]–[6]. In the latter group, most of the subjects (90%) were outpatients at the time of PE diagnosis, and nearly 70% had unprovoked PE (table 2). Mr. Smith states that he also has an intense cramping in his right calf and states that it started two weeks ago. Notably, the occurrence of a positive angiogram in the patients with no risk factors for PE was as low as 1% (5/520). We can say nothing of those in whom PE was undetected, and who may have died of it. Isolated symptoms and signs of DVT occurred in 22 cases (3%). Briefly, each lobe is attributed a weight according to regional blood flow as follows: right upper lobe, 0.18; right middle lobe, 0.12; right lower lobe, 0.25; left upper lobe, 0.13; lingula, 0.12; left lower lobe, 0.20. Background: Pulmonary embolism (PE) is a common and potentially fatal disease that is still underdiagnosed. EKG: sinus tachycardia without ST elevation or ST depression. So, it seems reasonable to assume that they had had a first episode of acute PE. However, chest pain and dyspnoea are common symptoms in general practice and emergency departments, and the vast majority of these patients will not have pulmonary e… All the 360 patients completed the scintigraphy follow-up. Should the clinical probability of PE be other than low, it would be sound to order immediately an appropriate imaging technique (multidetector CTA, or lung scintigraphy) to confirm or exclude the diagnosis [10]. Such estimation was carried out by a nuclear medicine specialist, according to a method validated against pulmonary angiography [11]. Remarkably, even in the patients with large or fatal PE at autopsy, the majority (1902 of 2448, or 78%) were never suspected of having the disease during life [1]. • An embolus is a clot or plug that is carried by the bloodstream from its point of origin to a smaller blood vessel, where it obstructs circulation. Classification of a pulmonary embolism may be based upon: 1. the presence or absence of hemodynamic compromise 2. temporal pattern of occurrence 3. the presence or absence of symptoms 4. the vessel which is occluded All the clinical and laboratory data were recorded by the physicians on a standard form before any further objective testing [3]–[6]. No, Is the Subject Area "Signs and symptoms" applicable to this article? All of them had proximal DVT of the lower or upper extremity, and had PE discovered at pulmonary angiography. The objective of our study was to reappraise the clinical presentation of PE with emphasis on the identification of the symptoms and signs that prompt the patients to seek medical attention. For more information about PLOS Subject Areas, click 7 Integrated risk-adapted diagnosis and management. Five patients showed persistent, bilateral perfusion defects consistent with chronic PE. Because the clots block blood flow to the lungs, pulmonary embolism can be life-threatening. Is the Subject Area "Dyspnea" applicable to this article? 8 Chronic treatment and prevention of recurrence. Chest pain prevailed significantly in the PISAPED patients, whereas unilateral swelling of the lower or upper extemity (taken as a sign of deep vein thrombosis [DVT]) was reported more frequently by the patients in the Firenze sample. In the PIOPED II, orthopnea is considered present if the patient is used to lie on two or more pillows, whereas in our study orthopnea is defined as a spell of acute dyspnea (usually, but not necessarily, nocturnal) that forces the patient to assume the seated or semirecumbent position. The clinical presentation of acute pulmonary embolism ranges from shock or sustained hypotension to mild dyspnea. History The challenge in dealing with pulmonary embolism (PE) is that patients rarely display the classic presentation of this problem, that is, the … Competing interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist. Pulmonary embolism (PE) remains a significant cause of morbidity and mortality, occurring at an estimated 95 cases per 100,000 patient-years and causing over 300,000 deaths annually in Europe alone; most of these cases are undiagnosed and, therefore, untreated .Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTPH) is a relatively uncommon but serious complication … Fondazione CNR-Regione Toscana “G. Such remarkable difference is likely the consequence of the criteria used in the two studies to define orthopnea. Pulmonary embolism (PE) is a common and potentially fatal disease that is still underdiagnosed. At least one of the above symptoms was reported by 94% of the patients in the whole sample. Yes Background Pulmonary embolism (PE) is a common and potentially fatal disease that is still underdiagnosed. In the present article, the authors offer a comprehensive review focused mainly on epidemiology, risk factors, risk stratification, pathophysiological considerations and clinic … We estimated the extent of residual perfusion defects on the lung scans obtained between 6 and 12 months of PE diagnosis. This may contribute to inflate the costs of the diagnostic procedures, and to expose the patients to an undue amount of radiation., Editor: Fikret Er, University of Cologne, Germany, Received: September 15, 2011; Accepted: December 23, 2011; Published: February 27, 2012. Monasterio”, Pisa, Italy. Therefore, routine screening for PE seems warranted in the patients with DVT, particularly in those with proximal DVT [17]. Reportedly, about one third of the patients with DVT have “silent” PE, the incidence of the disease being higher with proximal than with distal DVT [17]. Oxygen saturations are 86% on room air, respiratory rate 26 breaths per minute, heart rate is 108, oral temperature 99.1, and a blood pressure of 181/93. 9 Pulmonary embolism and pregnancy. The six other patients had minor PE affecting one or two lung segments. The combination of clinical symptoms and signs are reported separately for the Pisa and Firenze sample in table 6. Moreover, the blockage usually is caused by a blood clot that travels to the lung from a vein in the leg. Struttura Operativa Dipartimentale (SOD) Malattie Aterotrombotiche, Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Careggi, Firenze, Italy, Affiliations 20/01/20165 In this report, we describe acute pulmonary embolism in three patients with COVID-19. Every effort was made to retrieve from clinical files the electrocardiograms (ECG) obtained on the day of PE diagnosis. Upon reviewing home medications, Mr. Smith states he doesn’t take his medication because he “cannot afford it.”, Bilateral lower-extremity DVT (2 years ago), Mother had Factor V Leiden and passed away from a stroke at age 71, Enjoys taking long road trips across the country, Chemistry: Sodium: 138, Potassium: 3.9, Chloride: 101, BUN: 8, Creatinine: 1.3, Bicarbonate: 24, CBC: WBC: 8, Hgb: 13.5, Hct: 40.5, Platelets: 637, Troponins: 1st: 0.02 ng/ml, 2nd: 0.01 ng/ml, 3rd: 0.01 ng/ml. Based on point-of-care echocardiogram findings, there was concern for pulmonary embolism. In most cases, pulmonary embolism is caused by blood clots that travel to the lungs from the legs or, rarely, other parts of the body (deep vein thrombosis). The funder had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. Most patients with PE feature at least one of four symptoms which, in decreasing order of frequency, are sudden onset dyspnea, chest pain, fainting (or syncope), and hemoptysis. Chest pain was unilateral and pleuritic in type in 118 (84%) of 140 patients. Such incidence is nearly the same as in the PISAPED [15]. Pulmonary embolism may even be asymptomatic and diagnosed by … Mamlouk el al. If the D-dimer test is negative, PE can be safely ruled out; if positive, additional investigation is required [10]. PULMONARY EMBOLISM. The baseline characteristics of the 440 patients with PE from the PISAPED are given in detail elsewhere [3]–[6]. Neither text, nor links to other websites, is reviewed or endorsed by The Ohio State University. However, prompt treatment greatly reduces the risk of death. Patient denies any significant changes in weight; his last weight was two days ago at his primary care provider’s office weighing 130 kg. The 440 patients with PE included in the PISAPED had been examined by one of twelve chest physicians who took part in the study. The patients who featured persistent, bilateral perfusion defects in the lung scans taken between 6 and 12 months of PE diagnosis, were re-evaluated by lung scintigraphy and transthoracic echocardiography at 3-month intervals. Multidetector CTA is now regarded as the first-line imaging technique for suspected PE as it permits the direct visualization of clots in the pulmonary circulation. Pulmonary Embolism PE Epidemiology Pathophysiology Prevention/Risk factors Screening Diagnosis Treatment PE Epidemiology Five million cases of venous thrombosis ... – A free PowerPoint PPT presentation (displayed as a Flash slide show) on - id: 3cd1d1-MGM2N In summary, we found that the most reliable indicator of patients with PE is sudden onset dyspnea. These patients had been diagnosed with and treated for acute PE in seven hospitals of central Tuscany. Disregarding chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension, it is convenient to classify pulmonary embolism into three main types (table 3). If the lung scans remained unchanged over time, and the echocardiograms and chest radiographs were suggestive of CTEPH, right heart catheterization and pulmonary angiograms were obtained. No, PLOS is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation, #C2354500, based in San Francisco, California, US, The study included 800 patients with an established diagnosis of PE. Mortality is very high, and often diagnosis is established only by autopsy. No, Is the Subject Area "Syncope" applicable to this article? Data on the clinical presentation of PE were retrieved from the PISAPED database, and used for comparison with the clinical data acquired in the 360 other patients. The following paragraphs refer to the procedures used for diagnosing PE, assessing perfusion recovery and right ventricular function in the patients comprised in the Firenze sample. evaluated retrospectively the medical records of 2003 consecutive patients (mean age 50 years, inpatients 49%, female 58%) who underwent CTA for possible PE over a 1.5-year period [21]. The right ventricular wall motion was assessed qualitatively. Only 7 (1%) of 800 patients had no symptoms before PE was diagnosed. In the PISAPED [5], the prevalence of sudden onset dyspnea, chest pain, fainting (or true syncope), and hemoptysis was significantly higher among the 440 patients with PE than in the 660 in whom the diagnosis was excluded (figure 1). • PE is one of the leading causes of preventable deaths in hospitalized patients. broad scope, and wide readership – a perfect fit for your research every time. e30891. 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